Have you ever thought about working for the community that you live in? There are many jobs that are available within the Hot Springs Village POA so if you are interested in employment with the Village then all you need is to head to the https://www.explorethevillage.com/careers site and search for the right fit for you. Whether it is a part time server or cook in one of our local restaurants or keeping our residents safe as a full time patrol officer there is a job out there for you! As a POA they are charged with employing personnel for a whole range of services such as police/fire, public works and utilities, golf shops/maintenance, food service, daily POA services, outdoor/indoor activities management and many more.
Besides being able to work for your community, additional perks can be offered to employees that meet the criteria for additional benefits. This can include medical, vision, and dental insurance, short and long-term disability, 401k, as well as paid leave, holiday pay, and funeral bereavement compensation. As an employee, you can also receive a discount on some amenities that the Village offers. To search for jobs within the Hot Springs Village, you can head to the POA Career website, click on the “Search Jobs” box, and explore what is available. Each job lists the requirements that need to be met by any potential employee as well as the expectations that need to be met. Jobs are updated as they become available through the Village.
Hot Springs Village is able to offer a great living experience by offering amazing amenities, beautiful scenic views, and a great community vibe. So if you want to earn some extra money or perhaps start a new career check out what you can do for the community where you live.