While it is hard to think of Springtime in the midst of all this brutally cold weather there will be a time where nice warm temperatures and sunny days will be here again. Spring arriving means that the Hot Springs Village Spring Arts and Crafts Fair will be happening this year on April 17th from 12 p.m. - 4 p.m. at the Woodlands Auditorium parking lot.
Vendors who wish to have a booth at this event should complete the application and return it with proper payment to the Ponce de Leon Center at 1101 DeSoto Blvd. Hot Springs Village 71909 by the first of April. Each booth is $35 in cost and checks can be made out to Hot Springs Village POA. Because of space there is a limit to how many vendors they can accommodate. Best advice is to get your application in early so that there will be a space available.
In order to have a successful Spring Arts and Crafts Fair they will need a variety of vendors to participate and bring their wares to show and sell. Since the Arkansas Department of Finance and Administration mandates that sales tax is collected from these types of events each participating vendor will be given a ST370 form to report “Special Event Sales Tax” from the event. Depending on your filing status you will prepare the form as needed or return the envelope with the appropriate amount to a Coronado Community Center representative at the close of the event.
Every vendor must comply with the Arkansas Department of Health and their Covid-19 directives and the booths will be positioned so that there is the proper distance of 6 feet between the spaces. Face coverings will be required for everyone except for children who are 10 years old and under.
If you require more information or you have questions then you can contact the Ponce de Leon Center at 501-922-5050 or you may email chunter@hsvpoa.org.