The Village Employees Benefit Fund has existed since 1999 and has been a resource that helps put our Village workers when needed. This year marks the 25th anniversary of the Fund. Initially, the Fund was created to say “Thanks” to employees after an ice storm hit the Village that year. The gift was given at Christmastime and, at that time, was only a small gift of $16 per employee. Over the years, the fund has grown, and the group has been able to provide annual Christmas stipends to both full-time and part-time employees. The Fund has also been able to give small amounts of money to employees on a need basis at certain times throughout the years, which has been greatly appreciated. This year, they hope to do the same as in previous years. Please consider donating.
Donations are due by December 6th to be included in this year's package, which is coming up quickly. The VEBF produces a newsletter, and you can sign up for the November letter on its website. The Village Employee Benefit Fund can only exist with the help of Village residents and their generosity. If you would like to donate to this Fund, go to