Hot Springs Village Lakes

Donate Fresh Cut Christmas Trees To Lakes Department

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christmas tree branch

Did you have a real fresh-cut Christmas tree this holiday season? Well, once you decide to part ways with it, consider donating it to the Hot Springs Village POA Lakes department, where they will use it to better the local lakes. The team will sink the trees in the lakes, providing a beneficial habitat for fish that are bait for attractive sport fish species. The trees will also provide food for zooplankton, feeding aquatic invertebrates. 

Cardboard Boat Challenge Sponsored by Local Club

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stack of cardboardHave you ever thought about what it would be like to paddle a boat made of cardboard and duct tape around Lake Balboa? Well, now is your chance!! On July 27th, at the Lake Balboa-Kayak Launch, the Hot Springs Village POA Parks and Recreation Department and the HSV Paddlers Club will host a Carboard Boat Derby (Challenge). Boat building will occur from 9 a.m. to approximately 10:40 a.m. with the timed boat challenges starting at 11 a.m.

HSV Paddlers Club Host Incredible Event!

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Hot Springs Village POA and the HSV Paddlers Club offer an exciting event this coming July 22, 2023. The event location will be the Lake Balboa-Kayak Launch. There will be dedicated areas for boat assembly, completed boats, and of course friends and family areas for that moral support aspect. These two groups are asking for local groups, organizations, and individuals to assemble teams to compete in a Cardboard Boat Derby. The object of the derby is to be able to make a boat that can stay afloat long enough to complete a charted course the quickest way possible. Seems simple enough! 
