
Donate Fresh Cut Christmas Trees To Lakes Department

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christmas tree branch

Did you have a real fresh-cut Christmas tree this holiday season? Well, once you decide to part ways with it, consider donating it to the Hot Springs Village POA Lakes department, where they will use it to better the local lakes. The team will sink the trees in the lakes, providing a beneficial habitat for fish that are bait for attractive sport fish species. The trees will also provide food for zooplankton, feeding aquatic invertebrates. 

New Year Nature Walk Will Take Place

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nature trail Join the Hot Springs Village Trails Committee and Hot Springs Village Parks and Recreation Department in this year's 5th Annual New Year's Hike. The hike will take place on January 3rd at noon. It will be a one-mile-guided tour on the Balboa Spillway trail. On this light walk, participants will learn the origins of the early Spanish conquistadors and explorers that many of the golf courses, streets, lakes, and buildings. Light refreshments will also be served. Join your fellow residents and learn more about the community that you live in! 
